Recent Articles

Taking “Zero Waste” to the Next Level in Tarrytown
So you've got your countertop compost bin. You're minimizing your food waste with "Leftover Night", and you're planning your meals ahead of time to really use everything in your fridge. What else can you do to reduce your plastic container/food...

New Trails at Tarrytown Lakes Park
EXPLORE THE WOODS AND FIELDS. Three new walking trails lace the woods surrounding the Tarrytown Lakes park. The work of volunteers, the trails are well-blazed, but they need your foot traffic to keep them well-groomed. On the new green-blazed trail, you can explore...
Food Scrap Program

Today, as climate change poses a fundamental threat to our planet, Tarrytown is working to protect our riverfront environment through volunteer actions, policy advancement and programs to reduce carbon emissions. Find out how you can get involved.
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