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For Those Cleaning Up Our Village!
If You're Cleaning Up, a BIG THANK YOU!! and... Stay Safe Please practice "Social Distancing" - Stay 6 feet apart, and use your own bag Wear a face covering if you are around any other people Wear TWO pairs of gloves: A latex or equivalent waterproof inner pair to...
Coal Is Dead! Long Live Renewables!
Below is an excerpt from this excellent article on Vox: https://www.vox.com/energy-and-environment/2020/3/14/21177941/climate-change-coal-renewable-energy 4 remarkable facts about coal’s declining health So let’s walk through the four big findings. 1. It is already...
Food Scrap Program

Today, as climate change poses a fundamental threat to our planet, Tarrytown is working to protect our riverfront environment through volunteer actions, policy advancement and programs to reduce carbon emissions. Find out how you can get involved.
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