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Tarrytown Re-Joins Westchester Power For Green Energy
Good news! Sustainable Westchester, manager of the Westchester Power community energy program, has successfully completed the bidding for the renewal contract for Tarrytown. The bid was awarded to Constellation New Energy for the electricity supply to run from January...

Westchester Power Program in Tarrytown a Success!
5/29/2020 - Message from the Village Congratulations Tarrytown!! Your participation in the Westchester Power program since 2016: Saved Tarrytown $170,000 Served 79 million kWh Avoided 23,529 tons of carbon dioxide Since program launch, Tarrytown residents saved an...
Food Scrap Program

Today, as climate change poses a fundamental threat to our planet, Tarrytown is working to protect our riverfront environment through volunteer actions, policy advancement and programs to reduce carbon emissions. Find out how you can get involved.
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