Recent Articles

For The Birds! – Checklist and Guided Tour
Here are some things to help you: Bird-Sighting Checklist for Tarrytown Lakes Park (PDF) Common Birds in Our Area (PDF)

Project Sunroof Shows Great Solar Potential in Tarrytown
by Dean Gallea, TEAC Good news from a tech behemoth: Google has created a little-known automated tool, called Project Sunroof, that shows buildings’ and houses’ potential for solar photovoltaic generation. You can enter an address, or a town’s name or zip code, and...
Food Scrap Program

Food Scraps Drop-Off Location
The food scrap drop-off toters are on Green St: Cross the “H” bridge over the MNR tracks, turn Left (South) and travel along the street past the commuter parking lots. The drop-off is on the right, just before the Losee Park ballfield. (See the MAP HERE.)
Also, our carter may refuse to pick up any toter that has plastic or other non-compostable trash visible. Please be extra careful to keep your food scraps “clean” and if you need to bag them, only use paper or labeled-compostable bags that are available for $2/roll at the Library and the Tarrytown Rec Center.
If you happen to see trash in a food scrap toter, we’d appreciate your help by removing it to the nearby trash dumpster. As you can imagine, a toter left un-collected for more than a few days will become a nuisance.
To learn more about our Food Scrap collection program, CLICK HERE.
Today, as climate change poses a fundamental threat to our planet, Tarrytown is working to protect our riverfront environment through volunteer actions, policy advancement and programs to reduce carbon emissions. Find out how you can get involved.
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