Latest Past Events

Clean-Up at the Tarrytown Lakes

Tarrytown Lakes Parking Lot Neperan and Sunnyside, Tarrytown

TEAC's Lakes Committee is collaborating with the Hackley Lake Keepers to clean up trash around the Tarrytown Lakes. Meet at the Parking Lot on Neperan Rd at Sunnyside Ln.


Clean-up and Planting at Neperan Park

Neperan Park Neperan Road, Tarrytown

Clean-up and planting at Neperan Park (with the Little Gardens of Tarrytown). Meet at Neperan Park (on Neperan Road, across from the Historical Society at Grove St.)


Riverkeeper Sweep 2020 is Saturday, Oct 17

Join us on Saturday, Oct 17, for the 9th annual Riverkeeper Sweep, the annual day of service for the Hudson River and its tributaries! TEAC will be leading a clean-up of a section along the South Depot Plaza parking area, and, in cooperation with the Friends of the Riverwalk, the Riverfront area. We'll meet at […]
