Recent Articles
Unnecessary Noise: A consequence of our gasoline culture
by Dean Gallea The other day I was enjoying a quiet bike ride along the Hudson River, near the Sleepy Hollow lighthouse where some sort of photo shoot was going on. My reverie was shattered by the cacophony of three “cigarette” boats (long, narrow speedboats) roaring...
Heat Pumps: Stay Warm, Be Cool, Save Money AND The Climate
by Dean Gallea - June, 2019 In case you haven’t heard, Con Ed has slapped a moratorium on most new natural gas hookups in lower Westchester for the foreseeable future. They say that, with many people having switched from expensive oil to cheaper – and more-efficient –...
Food Scrap Program

Today, as climate change poses a fundamental threat to our planet, Tarrytown is working to protect our riverfront environment through volunteer actions, policy advancement and programs to reduce carbon emissions. Find out how you can get involved.
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