TEAC lists local businesses that offer services or have adopted operating policies that are largely environmentally friendlier than most other similar businesses. If you know of a business that we should consider listing, please let us know at tarrytownenviro@gmail.com, specifying how the business is fulfilling that promise.
Grass Roots Kitchen in Tarrytown: Provides reusable servingware for eat-in diners, and take-out servingware is compostable. Varied menu of locally-harvested food. https://grassroots.kitchen – (914) 909-5588
Sweet Grass Grill in Tarrytown: The same policies as Grass Roots above, and they compost all their vegetable waste.
The Taco Project in Tarrytown: Offers compostable serviceware. https://www.thetacoprojectny.com
Unicorn Lawn Care, based in Pocantico Hills: Uses 100% manual and battery/electric equipment. https://unicornlawn.com – (914) 357-3453