TEAC presented its annual Year in Review report to the public and Village Trustees at their Feb 3rd meeting. HERE is a link to the full slideshow (PDF).
Some highlights:
- TEAC helped complete the Village Climate Action Plan to mitigate the effects of climate change on our residents
- Maintained our Pollinator Gardens around the Village, and built new ones with Volunteer help
- Held Earth Month events in April and May and hosted an Eco Fair in October
- Facilitated Vine Squad outings to remove invasive vines on our trees
- Held a Repair Cafe (and assisted with others), and hosted a Housewares and Clothing Swap
- Held Community Outreach events, ran the Waste Warriors at the TaSH market, and facilitated trash clean-ups
Some plans for 2025:
- Continue our annual events and volunteer actions
- Grow the Adopt-A-Spot program to establish resident-led gardens in public spaces
- Follow through on Climate Action initiatives such as solarizing Village facilities
- Gain Silver-level Climate-Smart Community status, and work towards tighter leaf-blower restrictions