Bring a water bottle and gloves if you have them. Be prepared for hard work!
Pollinator-friendly seeds for your garden
Meet us at the lower lake pump house to blaze/mark the Glenville Woods Trail.
SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, April 15th 10am-2pm - The Neighborhood House 43 Wildey Street in Tarrytown - HOSTED BY THE NEW TARRYHOLLOW REPAIR CAFE!
Bring water and gloves if you have them. Get ready to get dirty!
Join us a for a morning bird walk around the lakes.
Seed giveaway! Lots of native annual seeds to start your spring garden season. Previewing design for Monarch Milkweed Garden. Refreshments will be served.
Help us clean up neighborhoods across the village.
TEAC will have a table with annual seed giveaway, and lots of info on starting your own pollinator garden.
Join us for a walk on one of the newer trails around the Tarrytown Lakes.
Please join us for this documentary revealing the ugly truth behind plastic pollution and the false solution of plastic recycling.